Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Survival Rifle

I wanted to do a quick entry about what I thought was a good survival rifle. Now a lot of people on the internet are all about face value. A ton of videos show people sporting their illegal assault rifle, or favorite handgun. They all revolve around trying to be "cool" and such. They have every tactical accessory strapped to their rifle imaginable. But I wanted to be a bit more practical, so I chose the Marlin Model 60. Before you tell me a .22lr won't hold up against that AR-15 or M1 let me ask you a question. What is a survival rifle anyway?

To me a survival rifle is a rifle that is easily maintained in poor conditions. It can give you the ability to harvest wild game for food, and potentially defend you against those who seek to do you harm. Now sure that AR-15 or AK-47 your dragging around with you could do all three, but for how long? And how effectively could you harvest small game with such a rifle? Also how many rounds could you carry if you had to bug out at a moments notice?

I can strip and clean my marlin in about 2 minutes; taking my time not to lose any parts or damage the receiver spring. The caliber is small enough to take small game like squirrel and rabbit while leaving the kill intact to harvest. Even though it has less power than the two rifles I stated earlier it can still kill a human. I can carry 500 rounds of .22lr in the same space you might carry 35 rounds of 5.56mm or 9mm. Also the gun is a lot quieter than most, so you won't easily attract things to your location.

I will list the URL of the manufacturer so you can check this nice little rifle out. Also you can buy them at your local walmart for close to $100USD! Thanks for your time, stay frosty.

1 comment:

  1. My father is very interested in a survival rifle. I think he bought on just now.
